Saturday, May 26, 2012

120 film/twin lens camera

These pictures is not the first roll of 120 film I've shot using my Ricohflex Model VI camera, but it the first roll that I was able to develop successfully...whether the pictures are successful or not is another question, but from what I see, I look forward to experimenting more and even taking some portraits of friends with this camera.

A shot I took to experiment with color.  This hanging piece is from the reDiscover Center ( where they use recycled material to make art.

Trying to play with depth of field...if I could do this one over, I'd set the focus a little further down the alley. Location: Behind Washington Blvd in Culver City.

Location: Sunset Blvd in Echo Park.

If ever I have to work late, it's good to know there's a place where I can lay my head for a quick nap before heading home.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Driving: Mid-Wilshire

I was heading to a meeting at (if you haven't been there yet, I recommend you swing by) and decided to take pictures and drive...the only glitch, I pushed my 100 speed film two stops and shot it at 400, giving the film an even harder contrast...

On the drive home I was actually able to pull over and take a few shots.

The increased contrast makes the light sources hang on for dear life against the encroaching night.

LACMA's Courtyard..I would've gotten a better shot but the car in front of me stopped short so I had to settle for this angle.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

315 W. 9th Street, Basement Level

What happens when you have your camera sitting at work loaded with 400 speed black and white film (but pushed to 800)?  You go down to the basement and take pictures of course.

This building was build in the 1920s. I suspect these urinals and certainly the tile were around when the building first opened.